Pearl Strands

Pearl strands are sold here at wholesale, direct from our pearl farms. Just pick from your preferred shape, as these strand of pearls, in various shapes and forms of Pearl Beads. These are temporarily strung on strands. From Round Pearls, Baroque Pearls, Drop / Rice Pearls, Keshi Pearls, Stick/Biwa Pearls, Semi-Round Potato Pearls, Coin Pearls, to Button Pearls etc.. From 1mm, 2mm seed pearls all the way to 35mm or larger sized huge baroque pearls. We can have your strand of pearls Top Drilled, Half Drilled, Side-Drilled or Center Drilled or Fully Drilled. We can also drill pearls in Any sized holes, at Any Quantity you need! When it comes to Strand of pearls, do not just look at the numeric prices, look at the quality! That’s why we have been online for 22+ years and have a 90-Day return for your Complete Satisfaction Guarantee.

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